

Countdown to the New Year! 100 Cloud Stats from 2011

UPDATE 12/27: Between the time I wrote this post and publishing it on our blog, SlideShare selected this eBook to be featured on the front page for 24 hours. Needless to say, we're thrilled at the response & look forward to putting more content like this together.

Closing out the year, I wanted to take a chance to share the eBook we put together this fall on trends around Cloud, Virtualization, Data Centers, and more. Since the original post, we've added it to SlideShare for easy browsing (now form free!).

Here are a few of the topics we cover in this eBook: Running the Cloud, Green Datacenter Trends, Staffing the Cloud, Enterprise Cloud Use Goals, Current Approach to Cloud Computing, Private Cloud Use, Infrastructure Deployment, Enterprise Hybrid/Private Cloud, Gaps Between Expectations & Reality, Future Strategy of Cloud Customers, Monitoring the Cloud, and more!

Wishing you all the best in 2012!

[slideshare id=9771017&doc=100cloudstats1-111019082609-phpapp02]



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