

Portal Integration

The Portal Integration ZenPack provides JSON API extensions commonly needed for integration with external portals. Search, identity resolution, fetching performance data, events and status are available.

Features Summary:

The following JSON API methods are available in the IdentificationRouter router:

  • listResolvers() - Return the list of available device/component name resolution schemes
  • resolve(id, idScheme, allowMultiple) - Return the resolved device/component for the id specification using the specified idScheme

The following JSON API methods are available in the PortalRouter router:

  • fetchMetricValues(startTime, endTime, specs, allowMultiple, echoInput) - Return the raw metric values for the time range for the requested metrics
  • fetchEvents(startTime, endTime, specs, allowMultiple, echoInput) - Return the event information for the time range for the requested filters
  • fetchThresholds(startTime, endTime, specs, allowMultiple, echoInput) - Return the threshold status information for the time range for the requested filters

This ZenPack is developed and supported by Zenoss Inc. Commercial ZenPacks are available to Zenoss commercial customers only. Contact Zenoss to request more information regarding this or any other ZenPacks. Click here to view all available Zenoss Commercial ZenPacks.

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