

Zenny’s Weekly Cloud Links #34 - Cloud Expo, Enterprise Trends, SLAs, OpenStack

Every Friday we like to highlight some of our favorite posts on Cloud Computing, service orientated infrastructure, DevOps, Service Assurance, and anything else that grabbed our attention over the week. Here are some great articles from the week of November 7th that are worth taking a look at. Enjoy!


Enterprise Cloud Adoption Accelerates - Four Reasons Why by Bob Brauer

In a report last week, the Open Data Center Alliance published that its members plan to triple Cloud deployments in the next two years according to a recent membership survey. This significantly outpaces the adoption forecasts from several different analyst firms and is another indicator where the I.T. industry is headed.

Cloud computing and the truth about SLAs by Bernard Golden

I was looking through the programme for an upcoming cloud computing conference and noted a number of sessions devoted to negotiating contracts and service level agreements (SLAs) with cloud providers. Reading the session descriptions, one cannot help but draw the conclusion that carefully crafting an SLA is fundamental to successfully using cloud computing.

Evolution and Revolution with Cisco Data Centre Fabric by Rick Blaisdell

Flexibility, scalability and security are the words most used in relation to cloud computing. However, flexibility and scalability are usually mentioned as advantages and security as a possible problem, but which the cloud computing industry is managing well.

OpenStack Adoption Survey Infographic & Results by Leigh Anne Reynolds

In October, we gathered 772 survey responses from the OpenStack Conference and the Zenoss open source management community. The results revealed that nearly 75% of the participants are considering an OpenStack deployment, driven by cost savings and avoiding vendor lock-in with the platform.

Collaboration in the Cloud: Here to Stay by Doron Aronson

As we move a year deeper into the cloud, collaboration services will become more of a steady fixture in today’s business environment. On our end, we’ve seen our service provider customers and partners embrace it; it’s our prediction that enterprises will do the same.

Rackspace Predicts Cloud API Showdown With Amazon, VMware by Joe Panettieri

During a quarterly earnings call a few minutes ago, Rackspace Hosting predicted the cloud computing market will boil down to three APIs (application programming interfaces) and cloud standards: OpenStack, Amazon Web Services and VMware.

Cloud Computing - New Buzzword, Old Legal Issues by Peter S. Vogel

Each business has its unique requirements for using cloud services. Signing the standard cloud provider agreements may be convenient, but risky. Any company using the cloud needs to properly protect its IT and data with a cloud agreement that is clear and specific to its own requirements.

From The Inside Out: Building A Customer-Centric Infrastructure by Doug Washburn

Whether or not IT Infrastructure and Operations (I&O) leaders believe they are well-positioned to support customer growth, the business does. Their expectations are high, and they firmly believe that technology's ability to serve and support customers is most valuable, even more so than cost savings. To deliver on these ambitions, I&O leaders must follow suit and build a customer-obsessed organization that takes an outside-in view from the customer's perspective — not inside-out from the data center.

Win-Win Tech Curriculum Collaboration: Vendors Contribute To Solve Skilled Labor Shortages by Jennifer Belissent

A few months ago I wrote about my first trip to Rio. One of the observations that had jumped out at me at the time was the repeated message from IT services firms: Lack of skilled labor was their biggest challenge.

Green Light, Red Light: IT’s Dilemma After The Cloud Goes Live by Jason Ambrose

We talk a lot about the benefits of cloud apps in this blog but taking full advantage of the cloud takes more than just a successful roll-out. What happens after go-live is just as important. We've noticed a curious - and, in hindsight, unsurprising - trend among some customers and the industry overall when it comes to cloud applications going live in production.

5 key trends in cloud computing's future by David Linthicum

As we gain experience with the cloud, expect to see centralized trust systems, amazingly large databases, and more

Taming Big Data Main Theme of Cloud Expo 2011 by Chris Preimesberger

The entire scope of cloud computing, infrastructure, management, applications, services, networking and consulting was represented. If there was one headline that could be used to describe this event it might be: "Cloud Expo 2011: It's About Control of All That Big Data."


And two fantastic infographics from CloudTweaks...




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