

Transforming IT Operations #98: Rouge Cloud Services, Nanotube Computers, Requiem for Blackberry

shutterstock_115871497Every Friday, Zenoss highlights some of the best posts from across the web about the transformations taking place in IT. Here are some great articles they selected from 9/27/2013 that are worth taking a look at.

How to ensure rouge cloud services don't leave you in the lurch — by Zenoss CTO Alan Conley | Network World 

Understanding the Fundamentals of Cloud Security for Healthcare — by David Linthicum | CloudTech

The Compromise For Internal And External IT — Cloud Tweaks

Bill Gates admits Control-Alt-Delete was a mistake, blames IBM — by Tom Warren | The Verge

Zenoss 4 Integration with PagerDuty — by Joe Lambe | PagerDuty Blog

Three easy steps to make Chrome more secure — by Chris Nerney | Cite World

Expect tech glitches when Obamacare launches Oct. 1 — by Ann Bednarz | Network World

Gartner On Big Data: Everyone's Doing It, No One Knows Why — by John Dodge | CIO Enterprise Forum

IT does the moonwalk: our endless search for absolutes — by Peter Kretzman | CTO/CIO Perspectives

CIOs Really Are Different [INFOGRAPHIC] — by Jonathan Brown | IT Knowledge Base

5 Ways to Measure the Cloud — by Logic Works | Cloudcomputing-news.net

Is Cloud Computing Meeting Its Expectations? — by Gathering Clouds | Cloud Computing Journal

Congrats, Team Oracle -- now let's get back to technology — by Caroline Craig | InfoWorld

iCloud users locked out from their data — by Dan Frakes | Cite World

Will Big Data Create Information Silos? — by Hu Yoshida | Hu's Blog

Requiem for Blackberry — by Bob Egan | Sepharim Group

Why the First Cloud Bubble Burst — Chuck Hollis | Chuck's Blog

Carbon Nanotube Computer Hints at Silicon' Super-low-power Processor — by Serdar Yegulalp | InfoWorld



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