

Transforming IT Operations #93: Praising IT Sales Reps, A New CIO, IT Tunnel Vision

Every Friday, Zenoss highlights some of the best posts from across the web about the transformations taking place in IT. Here are some great articles they selected from 8/2/2013 that are worth taking a look at.

In Praise of IT Sales Reps — By Chuck Hollis | Chuck's Blog

Enterprise Cloud Computing Isn’t the Same for Every Enterprise — By James Urquhart | Gigaom

Linux Reigns Supreme in the Supercomputing Realm — by Barb Darrow | Gigaom

The Impact of Cloud Consumption Models — By Edison Peres | Cisco Blog

Why do Salesforce and Oracle Keep Buying Social and Marketing Companies? — By Fritz Nelson | PandoDaily

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Learn How Mobile Phone Company @2degreesmobile Uses Zenoss to Unify Monitoring and Management of Virtual Data Center 

UC Berkeley Adds Data Science to its Virtual Classroom — By Christina Farr | VentureBeat

Today's CIO Needs to Be the Chief Innovation Officer — By Daniel Burrus | Harvard Business Review

Securing the Internet of Things, Just Got Easier — By Richard Wilson | Electronics Weekly

McKinsey: Information Technology Must Be Aligned — By Marissa Tejada | Midsize Insider

Top 10 Signs Your IT Department Has Tunnel Vision — By Alexander Wolfe | Forbes

5 Ways to Think Like a Cloud Architect — By Joe McKendrick | ZDNet

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute To Train U.S. Navy Officers in Information Technology and Web Sciences — By Rensselaer

8 Things You Should Know About DevOps — By Ericka Chickowski | Network Computing

NASA Selects Contract for Information Technology Services — Ames Research Center

Amazon Sues Over CIA Cloud Deal — By Joseph Marks | NextGov

Bessemer Venture Partners Announces $100B Cloud Computing Index — By Byron Deeter and Kristina Shen



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451 Research: New Monitoring Needs Are Compounding Challenges Related to Tool Sprawl

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